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Stag beetle “larval incidents” in private gardens survey

This survey is now closed; many thanks to all who have participated!

Stag beetle larvae found when an old lilac bush was removed, 21 September 2009. Photo by Dean Strohm
Important result: people disturbed their larvae throughout the year and nearly half of records had to be relocated; for example, the ones on the photo. For more here is a report:
Fremlin, M. (2013)  Results of the “Stag Beetle 'larval incidents' in private gardens” survey. Essex Naturalist (New Series) 30: 94-106. [PDF]

If you think that you have disturbed a stag beetle nest, please visit Helpline for Larvae and other queries.

Stag beetle larvae found when an old lilac tree had to be cut to make room for a shed; they were subsequently relocated to another garden together with a lot of the wood they were feeding on. Photo taken on 21 September 2009 by Dean Strohm.

Contact: Maria Fremlin

Last modified: Sun Feb 07 2016

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